Xindi (ColdFusion)

Xindi (ColdFusion) 2015.4.23 updated

Xindi is perfect for creating, managing and publishing small to medium websites on top of CFML.Xindi works just like any other PHP, Python, or Ruby-based CMS and can easily be deployed on any ColdFusion server.The CMS is built on top of the Railo...


razorCMS 3.4.6

razorCMS does not require a database engine, the content being stored in flat files on the Web server at a specified location.This reduces page delivery times by eliminating the wait and weight of a database engine sending its content to the PHP compiler,...

Utilizing true WYSIWYG editing techniques, the CMS allows easy adding and modification of any kind of|Easy is a perfect tool for advanced coders and beginners alike.Features:Administration panel Advanced user administration Flat-file storage...

Rapila CMS

Rapila CMS 1.1.1 / 1.4.0rc1

Rapila CMS is a modern content management system that runs on the classic PHP & MySQL server stack.It features an administration panel for editing the site's content, but there's also an on-page editing mechanism in place for all authenticated admins.Both...


RankSonic 1.0

RankSonic is a SEO platform that solves the problem of automating the tasks of every SEO-expert. RankSonic is a professional service for search engine rankings monitoring and advanced analysis of website traffic, conversions, and many other critical...

Novius OS

Novius OS 5.0.1

Novius OS was built on solid, open source tools like FuelPHP, Wijmo and jQuery UI. These tools ensure a pleasant experience working with the CMS, a cross-browser tested tool for rapidly building a website using a desktop-like interface.While the CMS...

Web Pro Manager takes a much simpler approach to building and editing websites than other CMS scripts do, with a far more easier to use backend and a much simplified interface.While most CMSs try to be the best in the branch, the end-all, be-all solution...


ATutor 2.2

It was designed to offer accessibility and adaptability.An admin panel is provided where administrators can customize or update ATutor within minutes.User roles also grant various access rights to various users.Features:cursor-pointer"...


Mezzanine 3.1.10

The Mezzanine CMS provides both a consistent GUI for managing Web content, and a simple architecture that makes diving in and writing code as easy as possible.This is thanks to its Django core, the versatile Python framework that allows developers to...

Collaborative Portal Server (CPS) is the most complete Open Source platform available for building Enterprise Content Management (ECM) applications. CPS comes also as a user-friendly accessible application ready to for entreprise-grade content management...