
wiki2csv 1.0.1

wiki2csv is a command-line tool to convert a file containing a table in wikipedia's wikitable syntax to comma separated value syntax and the other way around. It was designed to allow editing of large wikipedia tables using the easier interface of...


dblatex 0.3.4

dblatex is a Python program that transforms your SGML/XML DocBook documents to DVI, PostScript or PDF by translating them into pure LaTeX as a first process. MathML 2.0 markups are supported, too. It started as a clone of...

Bitnami topLog Stack is a free software project whose mail goal is to provide users with an all-in-one graphical installer app that allows them to effortlessly deploy the topLog web-based application, as well as its runtime dependencies, on personal...


manspider 1.0.2

manspider is a werid Python tool that takes care of your Markdown files. While it uses Markdown for the present, I'm hoping a better html conversion will be out there - a thing.Also, I'm hoping we'll stop copying them Ruby folks. It's like...


itools 0.75.0

itools is a collection of Python libraries which provides a wide range of capabilities.itools includes an abstraction over directory and file resources, a search engine, type marshallers, datatype schemas, i18n support, URI handlers, a Web programming...


yfind 0.1.0 Alpha 2

yfind is a Python tool to search YAML files satisfying specified conditions.Examples: yfind '.mailings[0].sent < 2012/06/12' my_files/yfind '.id == 10'((?.id) and (yfind '.id == 10)) or (.enabled == "False")'Currently supported search expressions:<...


Hatena2reST 0.1.1

Hatena2reST is a tool that converts Hatena diary to tinkerer.Usage1. Export Hatena Diary with XML format.2. Execute htn2rst commandl.  htn2rst your_hatena_id.xmlRetrieve your photo images when converting, execute htn2rst command with "-r/--retrieve"...


Marky 0.9.8

Marky is simple Django app that provides a single view and template for live editing Markdown documents. Copy in existing Markdown into the textarea or just start typing to see how the document will be rendered.Install packagepip install markyAdd to...