This free MP4 player is one of the best ways to view your media files with high quality, without worrying about the user interface, and at the most affordable price. In fact, thousands of other people have already found it to be an incredibly useful piece...

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3DYD Youtube Source

3DYD Youtube Source 1.1 updated

This is DirectShow source filter which allows you to watch clips from Youtube, Daily Motion, Vimeo and other popular video sites directly in the video player. All popular video sites hold for each clip more than one video files with different qualities....

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This software offers a solution for users who want to change the height and width of multiple video files. The user chooses the files or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers...

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Download DirectShow Decoder in order to eliminate video audio errors while playing videos on your computer. One of the well known error codes that this solves is: This file contains an audio track in an unkown format. You may need to install a DirectShow...

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This software offers a solution to users who want to split one or more AVI files into smaller ones by a specified amount of seconds, minutes or hours. For your convenience, new AVI files will be created without altering the originals.Limitations:Limited...

SWF files are an Adobe flash video file. These file types are very common which include animation or applet graphics that can be interactive. In order to view the contents of a swf file, either a supported browser or a stand-alone SWF player is necessary....



Grc Player is a free player for Gitashare file formats. Grc Player supports file formats such as .grc and .gav, and .grc is screen recorder file format, and .gav is audio/video file format. It is very easy-to-use and powerful...



Gitashare Fine Player is a free multimedia player with popular video and audio codecs built-in. Gitashare Media Player supports all file formats. Users don't have to install codecs separately. Gitashare Media Player is capable of playing incomplete or...

Audio Video Interleave is better known in the audio video industry as AVI, is a common video file format. This file type was originally introduced back in the early 90's thanks to a small company by the name of Microsoft. Synchronous audio and video...