
Type.js 1.0

Type.js is a font designer's dream, allowing them to adjust a page's text display properties via CSS.This eliminates the need to modulate (edit) the Web font, letting him control the display properties on any font, may it be a standard font family or a...


Basel;ne 0.1 beta

Basel;ne uses a combination of CSS margins, :before and :after selectors to create a baseline grid.This horizontal grid is then used to properly display and arrange text on a page, taking into account proper proportions and vertical spacing between...


urlhighlight 0.0.1

urlhighlight can highlight different parts of an URL when embedded as text on a Web page.The library can be used with syntax highlighters, breaking down a link into its composing parts and applying different colors to these sections.This is done by...


WhatFont 1.6.1

Activate the bookmarklet and hover the mouse over page sections. When hovering over an area without a text block, the generic font family is shown.Over text sections, a tooltip is shown with the font-face's name.A button in the right upper corner allows...

jQuery Blur lets you fade text in and out of the page using a blur effect.The duration of this effect is customizable and the blur effect works regardless of the user's font family selection, text size or its color.Technically, the blur effect and its...


Typebase.css 0.1.0

Typebase.css is an attempt to fix a problem that most Web pages have: the display of text.While in classic mediums like the print industry this problem has been fixed for actual centuries, the Web (and even the desktop market) is still in its infancy when...


Remarkable 1.6.0

Remarkable can be used to add Markdown support for your text areas, allowing users to utilize this non-standard markup language to stylize their text in a much easier manner compared to the complex HTML syntax.This library reads Markdown text and embeds...


Lining.js 0.3.3

Lining.js works just like a CSS selector engine, allowing developers to easily select one or more lines of text and apply various CSS properties or JS-based actions/effects on top.The library can be very useful when developing text animations,...