Fedora Live CD

Fedora Live CD 22 updated

This is in fact the Fedora GNOME Live CD distribution, but because GNOME is the default desktop environment of the Fedora Linux operating system, it is simply called Fedora Live CD. It is also the only Live CD edition of Fedora to feature a custom welcome...


OLPC Live CD SDK Build 385

OLPC Live CD SDK is a Linux distribution created by Red Hat and based on Fedora Core for the One Laptop Per Child.One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is an initiative to build a low-cost laptop computer with a pre-installed operating system and applications...

Red Hat Linux is a pioneer operating system based on the Linux kernel and using the highly-acclaimed RPM (Red Hat Package Manager or RPM Package Manager) package management system.Red Hat Linux 9 is an open source Linux distribution, the last version of...

Fedora is the next generation Linux distribution from Red Hat.Fedora is now available from Red Hat and at distinguished mirror sites near you, and is also available in the torrent.Fedora has expanded in this release to four binary ISO images and four...