Dribbble.com is an invitation-only website that allows designers to show off screenshots of their current projects. The library can be used to tap into the public available API and get various details.Features:Get user details Get recent popular shots Get...


longcat 1.0

longcat is a command-line blatantly stolen from Steve Losh..InstallationYou can install longcat using pip.pip install longcatUsageFrom the command line, just run longcat or longcat [N]. longcat 50 /\___/\ / \ | o o...

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Rotten Tomatoes is a service for movie and TV show reviews. This is practically a very easy-to-use Python wrapper for the Rotten Tomatoes API.Features:Search movies Retrieve lists Retrieve DVDs Retrieve movies Return movie info Get newly released movies...

screencast is a simple Python script. On import it should open up a new tab in your web browser of choice and point it to a web page. >>> import...

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relaxml 0.1.3

relaxml is a Python tool for converting XML to a dictionary should be easy -- and fast.Most of the current XML to dict projects are either unmaintained, slow, or not well-tested. This shouldn't be the case.InstallationYou can either clone this repo or use...


fred 3.0

fred is a Python wrapper of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank's FRED API web service for retrieving economic data.FRED API Documentation: http://api.stlouisfed.org/docs/fred/Sign up for a FRED API key: http://api.stlouisfed.org/api_key.htmlUsageWithout...

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