
Delicer 0.9.5

Delicer to Delicious is like Microsoft Outlook to your e-mail account. It is a desktop program that allows to: manage your whole delicious account, easily search for your own tags and navigate through URLs accordingly without opening a single browser,...

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Fosimo.AA (Fosimo Application Administration) is a desktop tool for windows that would help developers and application administrators to administer applications. Please note: Fosimo.AA is not a separate app, but an extension for your existing apps, you...


Fosimo.TR 0.5.6

Fosimo.TR is a free Twitter client tool for windows which helps you keep track of your Twitter account without browsing through Twitter. You can tweet, be synced instantly with friends status updates and much more including features that are not on the...


Fosimo 1.1.3

This software was created to offer you the possibility to keep track of all the changes on your Facebook account. Here are some key features of Fosimo: chat, friends' online presence, view friends, and change Facebook status. Synchronize Facebook friends...