
PyRisk 0.1

PyRisk is a Python engine and interface for building games similar to the 1957 La Conquete du Monde by Albert Lamorisse (of "Le Ballon rouge / The Red Balloon" fame). The game is perhaps better known as Risk, and is produced by Parker Brothers (now a...

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Insider 0.1

Insider is a transaction-tracking app written in Python using the Django framework.InstallInsider is published as a Git repository. See insider's web interface for more information.Quick-startIf you don't have a Django project and you just want to run...

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ChemDB 0.5

ChemDB is a little Django app in Python for managing our lab's list of chemicals. It also generates door warnings and inventories for compliance with our safety requirements.Installing by handChemdb is available as a Git repository: git clone...