
BeFaded 0.4 Alpha

BeFaded serves the same purpose as "slide back", but is less animated.The stacked behind windows fade out in front of and in behind the new top window, takes ~300ms.What is new in this release:Serious BUGFIX for 0.4 - fixes kwin segfaults when closing an...


BeDropped 0.5a

Popups shade, the rest fades.BeDropped also provides hackish attempt to animate window shading.Notes:- Shading is done by scaling. No prob on OpenGL, but you need good scaling support on XRender (for nvidia try -a "InitialPixmapPlacement=2", makes pixmap...


BeShadowed 0.8a

Since the Oxygen decoration paints it's own shadows, the shadow plugin got pretty step-childed.a) it's horribly imperformant (if I play a video it's causing ~2/3 of the kwin cpu load...)b) it's broken with XRender & translucencyc) it could use some more...

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KDE SC 4.5 will bring back blurring, but for OpenGL only.Developer commentsPlasma doesn't use this effect and I don't recommend to use it for "normal" windows (in combination with Bespin or ?QtCurve?)Since XRender doesn't know accelerated pixel...


BeClock 0.18

BeClock is a simple clock, implemented as KWin Effect.- This is NO plasmoid!- You need active desktop FX to use this clock- The idea is somewhat experimentalInstallation:tar -xjf beclock-kwin-fx.x.y.tbzcd beclock-kwin-fxmkdir buildcd buildcmake...


Kontainer 0.5

Kontainer is an open source, rudimentary and nested window manager software , tiling clients horizontally, vertically or providing a row/column oriented grid.Kontainer is not a full window manager, is more like a workaround to the KWin package from the...


QNetCtl Alpha

QNetCtl is an open source graphical application written in Qt and designed as a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the netctl, ip and iw command-line utilities found in the Arch Linux operating system.QNetCtl is designed as a front-end for netctl,...

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