The Software Life-Cycle Management (SLIM) tool was designed to be a lightweight solution to documenting and tracking software requirements and test cases. From conception of the project, during the development of the project and the testing phase of the...

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Cryptonight is a security maintenance application that allows you to encrypt and decrypt messages and files. It uses state of the art encryption technologies to ensure that your data remains safe. Keep your passwords and credentials in the Cryptonight...

Profit++, your cash flow optimiser. Do you know where your money is going each month. Use Profit++ to streamline your monthly expenses. By visualising your spending habits, Profit++ gives you insight into where your money is going.Requirements:Windows...

SLIM - Software Lifecycle Management application was designed to be a lightweight solution to documenting and tracking software requirements and test cases. It aims to establish a full trace of software items in a project. From conception of the project,...

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