

Build your WebClipping Widget with few mouse clicks. Mark the contents - et voil.What is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET 2000/XP, Requires WebBrowser4Widgets component, Yahoo Widgets...

A new Reuters TV widget that reads RSS video feeds from Reuters (8 channels), performs XSLT transformation into HTML, and uses DHTML animation effects. It features a small video player (WebClipping) and uses bidrectional widget to DHTML communication.What...

Instant news on your desktop - watch and listen while you work. Unique interactive transparency control - you can even use video screen space for your work - at the same time.What is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET...

A simple but powerful widget that acts as a gateway to yourminis an another world of widgets. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET


GoogleMaps 1.2.1

An example how to quickly build the HTML widget and integrate widget's code with HTML JavaScript. Good starting point for building more advanced geo-applications. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This...

WebBrowser4Widgets Sandbox is an example how to build and integrate HTML widgets working with Y WE. The WebBrowser4Widget is a COM extension for Yahoo widget Engine which supports HTML, Ajax, Flash Player (SWF), SVG, FormPlayer (XForms), Acrobat Reader...