VTK Export for Alibre Design is a Visualization Toolkit (.vtk) file export add-on for Alibre Design. This add-on gives Alibre Design the ability to export geometric data from Alibre Design to ASCII and Binary VTK files. VTK Export for Alibre Design...

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STL Export for Bricscad is a Stereolithography STL file export plug-in for Bricscad powered applications. This plug-in gives Bricscad powered applications the ability to export geometric data to ASCII and Binary STL files. The STL file format is the Rapid...

STL Import for SpaceClaim is a Stereolithography (.stl) file import add-in for SpaceClaim. This add-in gives SpaceClaim the ability to import polygon mesh data from ASCII and Binary STL files. STL Import for SpaceClaim reads polygon mesh data stored in...

STL Import for SketchUp is a Stereolithography STL file import plug-in for Google SketchUp. This plug-in gives SketchUp the ability to import geometric data from ASCII and Binary STL files. STL Import for SketchUp reads polygon mesh data stored in STL...

TerrainCAD for Bricscad is a terrain modeling plug-in for Bricscad. This plug-in gives Bricscad the ability to create a terrain mesh from a set of unordered points, lines and polylines. The terrain mesh is created as a Delaunay Triangulation, which is...

VTK Export for Acrobat is a Visualization Toolkit VTK file export plug-in for Acrobat. This plug-in gives Acrobat the ability to export objects from 3D PDF file in Acrobat to 3D polygon mesh objects in a Visualization Toolkit VTK file. VTK Export for...