Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music with BpmChecker by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Handy and cool tool for DJ's, composers and other musicians. Features automatic missed beat detection, playing...

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DBX2mail 1.3

Program to extract or find email addresses from an Outlook Express folder or dbx file, optionally using filter settings. Adresses will be collected in an output file. For instance a good help to identify email addresses from returning, invalid email...

Copy a directory structure only. No files. Easy directory copy program to copy folder trees, without the files contained in that folders. You can embed OnlyDirCopy in Explorer and copy directly from it. You also have option to copy several trees at once,...


Txt2fil 2.1

It is a program, with which you can create a lot of files automatically, rather than manually, one by one. You can start from a text file which in many occasions exists already or is very easy to create. Simply open Notepad, put the names of the folders...

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eMarker 3.0

It is a program to mark important phrases in Web site pages, similarly to manually color marking on paper. It is a tool, with which you can do some marking and basic editing of MHT files. MHT files are files containing complete Web site pages; they...


iMarker 1.0

It can mark text in images by highlighting the important parts using the mouse pointer, similar to manually color marking. Images from websites and screenshots can be quickly pasted and edited. People possessing lots of information containing lots of text...