BX 4.5.123

The BX is back up. New and Improved. What's different you ask. Well here is an overview of the improved features. Search, The search is no longer powered by Google. iFind iT Web Search from Shaggy Software is the new search provider in our toolbar. Chat,...


cBrowse 1.5

The cBrowse has been equipped with new and other coming soon parental features. When the browser opens, the address bar is hidden by default. The browser opens to cBrowse Home which includes a link to AskJeeves Kids and the Parental Login. In the parental...

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The newest iBrowse Lite is the first browser in the iBrowse family to have the HiddenNavi½ and HiddenTabi½ features. When iBrowse Lite first starts the navigation bar and tab bar are not shown. They are hidden in drop down menus. This allows more viewable...