It happens so often that Windows is not able to format your external hard drive or USB drive if it gets corrupted. In most cases you will get an error saying "Windows cannot complete the format". To fix this issue you can head over to Disk Management,...

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Any Audio Searcher is a software which let you to search songs easily in 3 Formats which are very famous and are commonly use, .mp3, .wma and .wav. This software is specially designed for those people who are not able to search files on Google. This...

Any File Remover completely removes a file from your disk without leaving any track. It is very fast. It overwrites any deleted file with blanks or random data N times - where "N" is value given by user for deleting file(s) time.What is new in this...

This software is specially created for those users who are not expert or professional in using PC administration options. This software will help them to get out of a situation if they are attacked by the virus that blocks the main and common system...

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