Apostrophe (Node.js)

Apostrophe (Node.js) 2.1.3 updated

Continuing the success of their Apostrophe CMS (the PHP version), P'unk Avenue ported the entire system to work on top of a Node.js and MongoDB infrastructure and released it as the 2.x branch.The CMS works practically in the same way as the original PHP...

The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context.Next each important page section, small action-control-customization buttons are shown.On top of the website, an administrative bar will also be shown. Apostrophe allows webmasters to...

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The Radio jQuery plugin provides programmatic access to radio button groups.The plugin enhances jQuery's radio button support, by filling in a feature that lacked from its core code.Usage instructions are included with the package README file.What is new...

Images Ready

Images Ready 0.1.4

Images Ready can be used on a Web page to get the dimension of image files and pass it to other plugins for further processing.Besides the height and width, the image ratio can also be retrieved as well.The plugin doesn't do more than just sniff the image...


Selective 1.2.4 updated

Selective allows users to input text with auto-complete support for recognized patterns.Once added they follow a tag input management process, allowing the user to add other terms. reorder them or delete inputted terms with ease.Selective is only the...

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node-netpbm 1.1.0

The package can take GIF, JPEG and/or PNG images and change their format in-between.Supports asynchronous operations and even works seamlessly with large images.node-netpbm can also be used to scale images as well.Requirements:cursor-pointer"...


Bottomless 0.2.5

Bottomless works by loading new content when the user reaches the bottom of a page.This can be done automatically or when he pushes a special button.Options to show a spinner graphic and to customize the distance from the bottom at which the loading...

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