
django-trawler 0.1 Alpha

django-trawler is a Django app designed to help audit a group of people or organization in terms of phishing awareness.When used as directed, you can launch your own phaux-phishing campaign and track the members of your organization that actually follow...

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mezzanine-mdown 0.1 Alpha 3

mezzanine-mdown provides widgets and filters for mezzanine that enable admins to use markdown formatting to create their site content, rather than using the tinymce editor to generate html used in rich content types, such as rich pages and blog...

django-ipyfield is a Django app that provides a model field for Django that allows the storage of an ip address as a BigInt on the db side by using IPy to handle conversion to an IPy.IP instance (or None) on the python side.Wut?In its way, it gives...

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