Folder Contents CM is a Mac OS X-compatible contextual menu plugin which allows users to access folder contents by control-clicking on that folder. The engine can also view the contents of the packages, including application packages. The contents are...

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Iconizer Pro Plug-in is an exporting plug-in allowing Photoshop users to run Iconizer Pro form Photoshop to build a group of icons from a picture to be a folder background. It can transfer the composite RGB layer data to the Iconizer Pro's main window...

Launch Items

Launch Items 1.0.1

Launch Items is an easy-to-use contextual menu plug-in which allows to launch customized applications or open documents with customized applications. It has a graphic user interface called Launch Items Editor where users can add any applications to the...

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Icon Exporter Plug-in is a simple exporting plug-in allowing Photoshop users to export composite RGB layer data as 32-bit millions of color Mac OS X (128 x 128 pixels) and Mac OS Classic (32 x 32 pixels) icons. The plug-in can also transfer the alpha...

Iconizer Pro

Iconizer Pro 2.1.2

Iconizer Pro is an application developed for automatically generating a set of 32 bit full color icons from any pictures to be a background of CD, folder or other container windows. The icons can also be viewed on any Mac OS from Mac OS 6 through Mac OS X...

Launch Items X is a set of Mac OS X-compatible contextual menu plug-ins and menu extra, which allow to launch applications, open webs, open folders, open documents, browse disks, make aliases and move files by control-clicking on the screen. The menus are...

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Primer Validator is a scientific utility which allows researchers to verify whether the designed primer is unique for the gene of interest or not. It will be useful if that gene is a member of a large superfamily. In addition, researchers may want to...

Move Items X

Move Items X 1.6.1

Move Items X is a set of Mac OS X-compatible contextual menu plug-ins which allow users to copy items, move items and make aliases. Users can copy files or folders from the desktop or any folders to a specific destination by using the contextual menu...

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Print Documents CM is a Mac OS X-compatible contextual menu plugin which allows users to print selected documents. The actions of Print Documents CM is as same as those of the Mac OS X's Desktop Printers, which is a printer icon appearing on the desktop....

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Iconizer Pro is an application developed for automatically generating a set of 32 bit million-color icons from any picture to be a background of CD, folder or other container windows. The icons, unlike Mac OS X default background, can also be viewed on...