
SQLAlchemy 1.0.6 updated

Used mostly for its ORM, SQLAlchemy is much more than that.SQLAlchemy builds its own query language and custom persistence patterns for high-performance and easy access to stored data.What is new in this release:One fairly serious unit-of-work regression...


SQLSoup 0.9.0

SQLSoup is a tool that provides a convenient way to map Python objects to relational database tables, with no declarative code of any kind. It's built on top of the SQLAlchemy ORM and provides a super-minimalistic interface to an existing...


nbt2yaml 0.3.0

Minecraft NBT files are special GZIP files for storing various round facets about the Minecraft game.This module allows developers to read and even write to those files via the Python CLI.The module simply parses the file and converts read data to an...

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Mako 1.0.1

Mako's syntax and API borrows from the best ideas of many others, including Django templates, Myghty, Cheetah and Genshi.Features:Simple API Fast rendering Bench suite included Control structures Straight Python blocks Inline or at the module-level Plain...


tracvatar 1.7

tracvatar is a Trac plugin that adds Gravatar icons to Trac.Credit goes to the HackergotchiPlugin for some general ideas.Currently, only Gravatar is supported, but the more open-ended plugin system of Hackergotchi can be re-implemented here if other...

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blogodev 0.1.3

blogodev is a Python module that presents an auto-recompiling front end to a Blogofile 0.7.1 site.Just run:blogodev -vand you'll get the functionality of "blogofile serve" combined with a modified Writer process that scans the source directory and...

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Alembic 0.6.3

Alembic is a new database migrations utility, written by the author of SQLAlchemy. A migrations tool offers the following functionality:- Can emit ALTER statements to a database in order to change the structure of tables and other constructs-...