If your downloading files, copying text, you can use the FMS to save and track your information. Search for files by filename, description, and website address. Use the applications file manager to rename or delete files from your computer and it will...

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Play the classic game of Hangman on your PC. Hang Man is a popular brain teaser. You can select either Beginner or Advanced level of play. There are nine word categories Animals, Food, Holidays, Home, Leisure, Seasons, Sports, Weather, and Misc. The...

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This game is a fun way to test your memory skills. Play against the computer or if you must select the practice mode. The program features different card sets and varying levels of intelligence. Source code included.Requirements:Windows...

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Purchase Order Program - Access 2003 / 2007 Database - Simplifies the work of managing your purchases with logical, user friendly forms and great reports. Use the Purchase Order Program to keep track of your purchases or integrate into your own accounting...