This is a very large digital clock screensaver. The black background covers everything including the task bar on the bottom. Huge Clock has no frame so there are no borders. Huge Clock shows the time, date, and day of the week. That is all it does. Just a...

Raptor Editor is an editor for editing content in-place.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.The stand-alone version of the Raptor Editor can be downloaded from...

File Compare

File Compare 1.4.1

FileCompare compares two files and tells you if even one byte is different. If you are in Windows Explorer just select the file and right click and use the "Send To" and then select "File Compare" to send the file to FileCompare. It compares the files and...

Drive Inventory makes an Excel spreadsheet of all the files on your hard drive. Or put the list into a web page, a text file, a rich text file, or an image file (JPG, GIF, or BMP). Use it to find and delete the space-hogs on your drive, or make a...