This program is designed to allow users to have the option to shutdown, log off, hibernate, or restart there computer at the click of a button. You are also granted the ability to watch your processes and see which ones are functioning. It has been coded...

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A solid program that you can take on the go. This simple, yet efficient, application can be put onto your flash drive and taken anywhere and used right when you need to get a random value between two digits you select. For a low cost; the application is...

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Drag and Drop your files or click to add files to automatically generate a checksum value of your programs. This program will generate a MD5, SHA1, SHA256 checksum value for each and every application you add. You can add and remove programs from...

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Easily generate passwords that range from Very Easy to Impossible to crack. There is a selection of multiple different password types that include Alphabetical Characters, Alphanumeric Characters, and Special Characters. You can generate a password and...