This program will stop any shut down command. Just open the program when the windows start. When you open the program if it restart your computer it means that it don't support your OS.Requirements:Windows 2000/XP, Microsoft .NET Framework...

This program, is easy to use also very simple you just have to paste or write the text want to be read then click on read.What is new in this release:Version 1.2 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.Requirements:Windows 2000/XP,...

Multi-Type Mail is an application designed to send e-mails. It has a built in mail server lookup (MX Lookup)--just enter the domain of the email website and the program will provide the correct server address. Furthermore, the application does not require...

ImgUpper is a program which can be run from your desktop allowing you to upload files at It than provides you with the direct link to your uploaded file so you can view your file. This can be a quicker and more efficient way of uploading files...


Beep 1.1

If those beeps sound on your computer annoy you, there is a very simple solution to turn them off completely, just download the following program and run it, and you can turn it ON or OFF just with one click. Version 1.1 includes unspecified updates.What...

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The Span Between Two Dates will help you to identify the span between two dates,it have built in calender so it's easy to choose a date, and it will gives you the result in different units. This what make the program very useful. Version 1.5 skin has been...

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Registry Enabler & Disabler will enable and disable your registry in just one click, if the administrator has disabled your registry you can enable it with this program, Without any installation I hope it's a very hopeful program. Version 3 does not need...

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