A remake of the excellent Wire Hang java game, in which you must climb up a never ending series of platforms using a grapling hook. If you fall off screen it's game over. It's a simple yet thoroughly addictive concept! The mouse is used to control your...

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This widget will let you view Ceefax at any time using Dashboard. Ceefax (phonetic for "See Facts") is the BBC's teletext information service. Teletext is an information retrieval service provided by television broadcast companies. Teletext pages can be...

Digital cameras attach information to each photo you take. This information - called EXIF data - contains the time-stamp, aperture and shutter time amongst other things. However some brands of cameras also attach a lot of (arguably) extraneous data. This...

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This widget will let you view your Upcoming.org events watch list using Dashboard. Simply enter your username on the flip side of the widget. This widget is Universal.What is new in this release:Made widget more robust when reading Upcoming data....


UK.keylayout 070426

The standard British key layout makes a UK-issue Apple keyboard work as it should do, but for some of us who have typed on non-Apple keyboards our whole lives - or for those Mac owners who are using a third-party keyboard - the Apple standard layout...

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