
MyIpTrack 0.2

The information stored is the IP address, date, time and some notes. All the data is stored in a simple text file.It will remember all connections to the Internet with many different providers (wireless networks, Internet cafes, etc.).When the...

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PhpBibliography allows you to publish your bibliography online (and to edit it via web). PhpBibliography is implemented in Php and uses MySql.These instructions assume you already have a working web server/php/MySql system. 1. Create a database called...

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GNU Source-highlight produces a document with syntax highlighting when given a source file. Source-highlight reads source language specifications dynamically, thus it can be easily extended (without recompiling the sources) for handling new languages.GNU...

GNU Gengetopt

GNU Gengetopt 2.22.6

GNU Gengetopt generates a C function that uses getopt_long function to parse the command line options, to validate them and fills a struct.Thus your program can now handle options such as: myprog --input foo.c -o foo.o --no-tabs -i 100 *.classAnd both...

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