Software Gun helps software authors to submit their program details to software distributors on the Internet. Automatically creates program submission reports. Includes links to over 100 software submission sites on the Internet. This program does not do...

Disk Investigator helps you to discover all that is hidden on your computer hard disk. It can also help you to recover lost data. Display the true drive contents by bypassing the operating system and directly reading the raw drive sectors. View and search...

Home Brew Kit Master is a program for recording the details of your home brews, printing reports, generating tasting sheets, calculating alcohol content, and providing a searchable knowledge base of tips on home...

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Delete Doctor allows you to delete files that are difficult to delete, such as some files left by viruses and Trojans, or files with corrupted file names. This program can also delete files like the index.dat files, which store Internet history, by...

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Clean Disk Security gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be undeleted again. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. This program completely eliminates the...

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Solway's Plain Backup is a backup program. Customize the program to your needs. Solway's Plain Backup allows you to backup whole folders or directories, or individual files, or files matching a search pattern. Organizes your backup tasks into groups to...