
Pixel 1.0 RC4 build 470

Pixel is a RGB, CMYK, and HDR image editing, photo retouching, and manipulating program available for many operating systems formerly known as Pixel32. Version 1.0 RC4 build 470 improves CMYK and HDR images editing.Requirements:Windows...

Pixel Studio Pro

Pixel Studio Pro 1.0 build 740

Photoshop like image editor for for many Operating Systems. Supports RGB, CMYK, Lab and HDR images, layers, layer effects, brushes, patterns, layer styles. Includes tools for web designers: slicing, web optimization, clickmaps, HTML editing. Includes...


Pixel 1.0b8.740

Photoshop like image editor and retouching tool. Supports Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, CIE Lab and HDR images. Supports Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and comes as an Universal Binary. Seamlessly supports your platform transitions since it...