
klaus 0.7.0 / 0.1.1 updated

klaus uses WSGI to allow users to navigate local or remote Git repositories via their browser. The application supports syntax highlighting when viewing code, and Markdown rendering when viewing README or other .md files. klaus supports classic Git setups...


bjoern 1.3.2

bjoern is a screamingly fast, ultra-lightweight asynchronous WSGI server for CPython, written in C using Marc Lehmann's high performance libev event loop and Ryan Dahl's http_parser.bjoern aims to be small, lightweight and very fast. * less than 800...

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httpauth 0.1.1

httpauth is a WSGI middleware that secures some/all routes using HTTP Digest Authentication.Installationpip install httpauthUsing with credentials dictionarysecured_wsgi_app = httpauth.DictHttpAuthMiddleware( {'user1': 'password1', 'user2':...

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