CSS Spinners

CSS Spinners 2.2.0 updated

These small UI components will mask loading operations with the help of a classic spinner preloader. To use, the developer needs only to add a simple class to the element he needs to mask or mark as loading. When the operation finishes, he can then remove...

Bootstrap is a front-end UI development framework created by Twitter to power their new interface.Since its launch, Bootstrap has gained lots of momentum and is becoming one of the industry's standards when it comes to building front-end or back-end...

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Radiant CMS

Radiant CMS 1.1.4 / 2.0.0 Alpha

Limited by the lower adoption rate Ruby has had, not that many people got to know Radiant CMS across the years.This small CMS is one of the most versatile and customizable CMSs created across time, a solid base on which various types of websites, with...


Serve 2.0.0

Even if Serve works like most other static site generators, the fact that it comes with its own server makes a lot more useful than the other solutions.Created to work using the local file and folder structure, Serve utilizes a simple routing system to...