
jQuery 3.1.1 / 2.2.4 / 1.12.4 updated

jQuery can be used for DOM traversing, JS event handling, Web-based animations and running Ajax interactions. The library simplifies the way JavaScript has to be written and is suitable for a wide range of Web applications. jQuery benefits from thousands...


Sizzle 2.3.0 updated

By default, Sizzle supports the jQuery, MooTools, DOMassistant, Dojo and Prototype frameworks. Since it was first included with the jQuery core, Sizzle was updated to keep pace with modern technologies and currently supports Unicode characters and the...


Social 1.0

This code is part of a jQuery presentation workshop (Spring 2010 jQuery Talks) held by jQuery's creator himself, lead developer John Resig.The Social app was created as an example of what jQuery can do for frontend design.The app contains special pages...

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Google Search History RSS can be run on a regular basis via a cron job and export someone's search history into a feed that they can add to their RSS readers and watch it for updates.The script uses Perl modules like XML::LibXML, WWW::Mechanize, and...

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jQuery Color Animations is an integral part of any Web-based jQuery animation sequence.This small plugin allows developers to easily modify and transition from one color to another using basic jQuery syntax.The plugin will automatically handle various...

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Processing.js closely mimics the original Processing language, porting most of its major features to JavaScript code.This allows developers access to a powerful and complex data visualization tool that makes adding statistics, interactions, and various...

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