
pdf2zip 1.0

pdf2zip is a small Python utility to batch convert PDFs that are image based (like many online distributions of magazines are) into a zipfile full of images. Various options are available, including options on the quality of the resulting images,...

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speedparser 0.1.7

speedparser is a black-box reimplementation of the Universal Feed Parser. It uses lxml for feed parsing and for optional HTML cleaning. speedparser's compatibility with feedparser is very good for a strict subset of fields, but poor for fields...

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micromongo 0.1.4

micromongo is a tiny layer around pymongo that allows you to create simple ORM-style classes which can perform validation, allow dot access to documents, auto-wrap queryset results, and give you pre/post save hooks.It's designed with microframeworks in...


redtape 1.2

redtape is a focused document generator that uses github flavored markdown to generate simple, attractive HTML documents. It automatically integrates with twitter bootstrap and features simple, attractive styling. redtape is inspired by d, but attempts to...