
imgPreview 0.22

imgPreview is a jQuery tooltip plugin specialized in showing images alone.The tooltip appears when hovering a link leading to a photo and can optionally have borders and/or a title.The image preview shows up alongside the user’s cursor when hovering...


PhotoWall 1.0

PhotoWall allows developers to specify a container on the page and have it filled with images.The library's algorithm will do all the mathematical computations, calculating where and how to place and resize the images so they'll fit together into a nice...


debug.js 0.2

debug.js is more of a compliance checker to JavaScript standards than an actual debugging toolkit.The library works by checking the desired code snippets against the browser's built-in JavaScript runtime, and optionally against JSLint.It collects the...


Satisfy 0.3.1

Satisfy works like the jQuery selector engine, but instead of parsing the DOM and selecting the desired items, it renders empty tags out of the passed selector structure.So something like satisfy(div span a); will generate HTML in the form...


Sonic 0.2.1

Sonic utilizes the HTML5 canvas utility for animating the spinner, allowing developers to mask loading operations.The library gives developers the tools to decide how the preloader moves and looks, letting him control its path, size, padding, coloring,...