Craft Vapors Recipe Book is a clean E-Juice/E-Liquid Calculator for creating your own vaping recipes. Your recipes are then stored in your personal recipe book for future reference. Use up to 8 flavors and 3 additives to make your vapes gold. Recipes are...


Watcher 2.1

Watcher 2 is a video surveillance program designed to detect motion in front of the cameras and then records the events to the Hard Drive of the computer. Watcher is able to leverage four different cameras at the same time to make for a complete home/work...


F-Integ 1.4

F-Integ is a file integrity checking program. When downloading files from the internet some sites will provide a check-sum for files you are downloading. To confirm that the file is intact and has not been modified, running F-Integ on the file and...

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PBackup 1.2

The PBackup Utility is a simple program designed to backup your files related to projects that you create. You can choose up to three locations to save your project files too, including saving to the cloud using Microsoft OneDrive. When setting up the...