Working on top of PHP's Symfony framework and using a MySQL data storage backend, Employness will allow users to register and vote their daily work performance.Over time, as ratings rack up for each users, they can review their progress and evolution at...


Parsley.js 2.0.7 / 2.1.0-rc9 updated

Parsley.js uses an unique approach to form data validation, relying on CSS classes and IDs, instead of JavaScript rules.The plugin scans the form field for preset class and ID names, which it uses to apply a data check and see if the user's entered data...

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Garlic.js 1.2.4

Garlic.js will use localStorage to save form entered data, locally, as a backup.In case the user loses his Internet connection, accidentally closes his browser or tab, the form data will be available again when he re-accesses the page.A demo is included...

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