Google Chart is a free public API that lets developers send statistical data to the Google servers which aggregate and present it as a beautiful chart/graph.pygooglechart is a Python library that allows developers to create these kind of charts using a...

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The PHP Quake 3 Library allows developers to take full advantage of Valve's RCON protocol for accessing, querying, and controlling gaming servers.The class basically allows developers to programmatically access RCON consoles and build Web-based...

The Python Quake 3 Library enables programmers to take full advantage of Valve's RCON protocol for accessing, querying, and controlling gaming servers.This library allows developers to programmatically access RCON consoles.This can be very useful when...

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Gravit 0.5.0

Gravit is a gravity simulator which runs under Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It's released under the GNU General Public License which makes it free. It uses Newtonian physics using the Barnes-Hut N-body algorithm.Although the main goal of Gravit is to be...

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