Add Meta Tags

Add Meta Tags 2.9.1 updated

META tags addition is automatic, but every metatag can be fully customized.Its purpose is to provide a general idea of what this plugin supports.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...

django-context-extras is a fairly simple Django application that provides some extra context processors which are often needed by many other Django applications.Currently, two extra context processors are available:current_site Adds the current site...

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rmexpress 0.2.0

rmexpress is a file and directory deletion utility written in...

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django-thumbnail-works is a Django app that provides an enhanced ImageField that generates and manages thumbnails of the source image.This application aims to be a simple but feature rich thumbnailing application for Django based projects.Licensed under...

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django-middleware-extras is a Django app that provides some extra middleware classes that are often needed by Django projects.Licensed under the *Apache License version 2.0*. More licensing informationexists in the license_...

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django-primary-slug 0.1.1 Beta 1

django-primary-slug is a Django app that provides a custom SlugField for Django projects.Package DocumentationRequirements:Python Limitations:Only for testing. Not suitable for...

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django-taggit-autocomplete-modified is a Django app that provides autocomplete functionality to the tags form field of django-taggit.DocumentationApart from the django-taggit-autocomplete-modified Online Documentation, more information about the...

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django-primary-filters is a Django app that provides some extra filters that are often needed by Django projects.Requirements:Python Django Limitations:This project is work in progress. Not for...

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django-oembed-works is a Django app which provides support for the oEmbed format.Features:Provides a template tag which parses a block of text and replaces links with embedded...

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