FollowUp Survey is an application was written for a local Counseling Agency. Clients will fill out an anonymous questionnaire. Data from the questionnaire is entered into follow up survey. Reports are then generated and a picture of how the client views...

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Shrinker 2.1.1

Shrinker is an application was written for Progressive Software. Shrinker is a wrapper around the UPX exe compactor. Progressive Software needed it to shrink the size of any EXE files we needed to email to our...

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Serial Tracker was written to track goods sold in our computer store. Anything with a Serial Number can be tracked. Tracked by supplier, units sold, units returned as defective. With this program, a retail operation can track faulty items and determine if...

VisualMath is an application solves problems with formula. It was written for Tradesmen (Millwrights) and Planners to help them with those long convoluted formula need to remember. Calculate area of circle, cylinder, sphere, square, cone, rectangle,...

My Personal Diary is a new program written in Delphi to keep note of daily activities. Write your personal information and daily activities of your life. You can create your own login to store your data. You can also maintain multiple users. Default...

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