

GabNetStats is a small utility that restores the blinking network indicator back in the notification area of your Windows. It visually looks like exactly the same as the icon found in the Window XP system tray and blinks depending on network traffic. It...

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GabScreenshot is a simple utility that simplifies the creation of screenshots. GabScreenshot runs as an icon in the system tray and use very little system resources by running in low priority and optimized source code. It automatically captures and saves...

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GabCopyPaste is an utility that extends the Windows Clipboard. The existing clipboard provided by Windows is very limited with the possibility to keep only one thing in memory at a time, and copied data was frequently overwritten and lost after copied...

Gab Captcha a captcha plugin for WordPress comments. It adds an easy turing test before each comment form. The turing test consist in typing the characters that appear emphasized and red in a text field. The plugin will add an entry in your WordPress...

GabKeyboardHook is a library that allows you to intercept any keyboard input, even if your application has not the focus. This is really useful if you need to provide some global hot-keys for your application. It features fast and efficient, minimal...