
askbot 0.7.53 updated

Users can ask questions and wait answers from the community.The site is mainly inspired by the StackOverflow website, a community of web developers helping each other.Features: Possibility to ask and answer questions Votes Reputation system User...

django-followit is a Django app that allows to easily set up a capability for the site users to follow various things on the site, represented by Django model objects.SetupTo the INSTALLED_APPS in your add entry 'followit'. Then, in your apps'...

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django-authenticator is a Django app created as an authentication client for Django.Note: this module is not yet ready for use in production. Developed for askbot forum - please ask questions at...

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ASKBOT is an open source question and answer forum based on CNPROG project by Mike Chen and Sailing Cai, project inspired by StackOverflow.Requirements:cursor-pointer" onclick="spovl3hide();"> System requirements for this...

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