
Cylon 1.2

Cylon (Folders) was originally a Mac OS theme created by MJoseph15 for his personal use on Mac.Developer commentsI decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome, i got permission from MJoseph15 and this is the result.Installation instructions:Just...

Se-Interface-v2 is an icon theme, originally a windowblinds theme created by MrSkope (Damian Strain) for his personal use on Windows.Developer commentsI decided to have a go at creating a port for GNOME, based on LaGaDesk-BlackWhite-III by LaGaDesk...

SE-Interface-v2_Red is an icon theme and it was originally a windowblinds theme created by MrSkope (Damian Strain) and for his personal use on Windows.Developer commentsI decided to have a...