PragmaticPlayer.Js allows developers to create custom skinned YouTube and HTML 5 video players.For older browsers that don't support HTML 5, the player falls back on its YouTube version. Examples and usage instructions are included with the download...

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tEffects 1.0

tEffects allows developers to replace the clunky and often CPU-heavy JavaScript-based image transitions used in image slideshows.tEffects relies solely on CSS 3 transforms and transitions to animate images in and out of a container.Examples and usage...

Even if the name hints at something blog-related, the plugin has absolutely no affiliation with WordPress, Habari or any other blogging tool.BlogSlideShow is just a simple jQuery image slideshow tool for showing images inside a modal.It works with CSS 3...

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Thesaurus Tooltip works by scanning the body for preset text at page load.It then adds a jQuery-based tooltip, showing custom definitions, explanations or ads for the found text.The Thesaurus Tooltip system can be used in live websites as a way to show...


JS_CodeSniffer 2.2.2 updated

JS_CodeSniffer helps developers detect coding standard violations.Under the hood, it works by tokenising JavaScript source code and checking it against a defined set of coding standards.JS_CodeSniffer currently supports jQuery and Idiomatic standards.What...