
Drain0 1.0.1

Drain0 allows for substituion of byte values to be inserted into emails for NULL bytes, stray linefeeds, and stray carriage returns. By default, these byte values are replaced by spaces, though within the preferences of Drain0 individual functionality for...


Kiwize 1.0.0

Kiwize is a filter for Eudora Internet Mail Server (EIMS and EIMS X) to manage blocking of any email based on the total size of the email, accomplished by a fully customizable set of rules. These rules allow different email addresses, domains, etc., to...


Athenaeums 1.5.0

Archive filter for all native EIMS log documents Supports Error Log, Mail Log, Sending Error Log, and Console Log documents Compatibility with Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X Compatibility with EIMS and EIMS X Customizable archive target directories Custom...