This is a free pile of 2D and 3D desktop wallpapers, by Dario D. of Supports widescreen, standard-screen, Windows, Mac (all systems, including some tablets/smartphones)... The images were designed using Photoshop, 3dsmax, Bryce, and some are...

Gunreal is a UT2004 mod, completely redoing UT2004's combat and game mechanics with its own weapons and pacing. (See for Mac version as well.) It currently features: 14 New Weapons; Weapon-Shopping; Dynamic Inventory Belt; ...

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This is a free pile of 2D and 3D desktop wallpapers, by Dario D. of Supports widescreen, standard-screen, Mac (all systems, including some tablets/smartphones). The images were designed using Photoshop, 3dsmax, Bryce, and some are based on...