django-icanhaz is a templatetag for easier integration of ICanHaz.js JavaScript templates with Django templates.InstallationInstall from PyPI with pip:pip install django-icanhazor get the in-development version:pip install django-icanhaz==devUsage- Add...

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django-markitup is a Django plugin for integrating the MarkItUp universal markup editor. Provides a form widget and a view for AJAX preview. Supports Markdown and Textile out of the box, easy to switch to custom MarkItUp! sets/skins and custom AJAX...

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hgcampfire 0.3.2

hgcampfire is a Mercurial hook to notify a Campfire chatroom about changesets coming in to a repository.Usage:Add the following to your Mercurial config (in a system, user, or repo-level hgrc file), replacing the API key, URL, and room...

django-secure is a Django app that helps you remember to do the stupid little things to improve your Django site's security.Inspired by Mozilla's Secure Coding Guidelines, and intended for sites that are entirely or mostly served over SSL (which should...

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