Publish your PDF documents as interactive flip page documents directly on your website. No need for a PDF reader to view the document. It will display directly in the web browser. The user has buttons to go to the next page, the previous page or to the...

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With this CAD application you edit or create drawings in the dxf file format. You can open, view and edit existing dxf files loss-free. No property of the dxf file will be lost or destroyed, because this program is based on the dxf file format and does...

With Measure pictures, you can measure the length of a stretch or the total length of a combination of stretches. Another possibility is to measure the area and perimeter of a polygon, a rectangle, a circle or an ellipse. You can draw the elements over...

Your workers can record their working time. Every worker gets an own account with an user name and a password. The users can enter information about the working place, kind of work, date and working time. You can also put the program on a network drive...

The program converts many small lines in a dxf file which form arcs into arcs. The dxf file will become much smaller and it can be used for a CNC project much easier. The CNC machine will be able to finish the part much faster. The lines have to be part...

Trace a picture. Draw curves and lines over the picture. You can then print or export this lines without the picture. You can export as DXF, EMF, SVG (vector data) or as picture (JPG. BMP etc.). You can use the program for example to trace a graphic to...