More Space allows to create stereoscopic anaglyph images. Drag in a left-side and a right-side image and combine them to create a stereoscopic anaglyph image. Make corrections in alignment. Define the so-called common "near-point" in both images - the...

Shell Life is a front end to shell commands: Define, run, manage, and store shell commands. Easily run complex commands anytime. Drag files and folders onto Shell Life which act as arguments to your commands. Define a text which will be passed to a...

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Match 1.3

Match is a file synchronization tool specializing in: Handling all kinds of file properties like capitalization, extension hidden, custom icons, etc. Visualizing files and folders if they differ. All items are displayed flat: No clicks necessary to get...

Clone Window

Clone Window 1.3.1

Clone Window is a tool for the toolbar in Finder windows. Duplicate the frontmost Finder window with one mouse click by showing the same folder and using the same view settings as the first window. This is useful when you want to keep your current window...

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