

It is an affordable invoicing software that enables you to create invoices with only a few steps. Besides the lists for customers, invoices and efforts it also supports the creation of templates and it fully meets the legal requirements for invoicing in...

This program can be a helpful tool for developers and system administrators when they need to develop or test a TCP server application. Just run the application, specify the server address and TCP port and transmit whatever you want. This version is the...

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FUnnyME is a little tool which might help you to quit smoking. Version 1.0.0 is only available in german language, but it is also funny. Please post a comment on the website if you are interested in other language...

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CocoaSuite 1.0.4

CocoaSuite is a suite of utilities that enhance the ways in which you can control Cocoa applications: Mouse Gestures, add or modify keyboard shortcuts, Mnemonics, TextSnippets and a vritual scroll wheel/jog dial for laptop users are amongst the many...

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