From the creator of Instant WebKiosk/UB, Raspberry Picture Frame, WebXperience OS, Instant WebKiosk/EDS, Safe Internet for kids, Snowden Tribute, and Raspberry WebKiosk, we are proud to introduce Raspberry Digital Signage, an operating system designed for...

Raspberry WebKiosk

Raspberry WebKiosk 8.0 updated

Raspberry WebKiosk is an open source, browser-based and secure operating system especially designed to be deployed on hotels, schools, public libraries, hospitals, offices, Internet Cafe or other small businesses where the need for inexpensive kiosks is...

Instant WebKiosk/UB

Instant WebKiosk/UB 16.0 updated

Instant WebKiosk/UB is an open source kiosk operating system based on the award winning and highly acclaimed Debian GNU/Linux distribution. It’s designed from the ground up to be deployed on Internet Cafès, offices, educational institutions,...

Raspberry Picture Frame is an open source and freely distributed Linux-based operating system that will transform your Raspberry Pi device into a veritable and gracious slideshow viewer or digital photo frame platform.How it works It has been designed...

Safe Internet for kids is an extremely secure, fast, open source and completely free Linux distribution specifically designed to be used for the protection of your children, keeping them away from an inappropriate browsing experience. It is based on the...

Instant WebKiosk/EDS, alias Easy Digital Signage flavour, is an operating system designed for digital signage installations on standard (even diskless) PC hardware.It is a "live" (no installation required) browser-only (only the browser interface will...

WebXperience OS is an open source Linux operating system designed to be used by individuals who want a secure Internet browsing experience and nothing more. It is an official fork of the popular Instant WebKiosk/UB Linux distribution, but tweaked for...

Snowden Tribute is a freely distributed, yet commercial Live Linux-based operating system dedicated to the famous Edward Snowden computer specialist, and designed to be used for anonymous web surfing.Based on Debian, deployable on USB flash drivesIt is...