
CodeSimian 0.65

CodeSimian is a self-modifying JAR file, an interpreted/scripted programming-language made with Java 1.5, free to use and modify under any GNU GPL 2+ license, for building Artificial-Intelligence, A-Life, chatbots that use letters to write sentences...


Audivolv 0.1.6

Artificial Intelligence that eVOLVes AUDIo, color, and musical instruments you play with the mouse. Its a Java software that creates reusable Java software without your help. Move the mouse to play music and click "Sounds Good" or "Sounds Bad". Each time,...

Human AI Net

Human AI Net 0.6.1

Most search-engines have you type words and look through a list of Web pages. This is the first 3d search-engine for text and is instead controlled by mouse movements and words appearing, disappearing, and moving in 3d in your web browser, using...