
Grunt.js 0.4.5 / 1.0.0-rc1 updated

Grunt allows developers to assemble projects with quick commands from the Node.js CLI. Grunt is like Bundler for Ruby, allowing a series of operations to put in a sequence and automatically executed. Developers can perform complex tasks like minification,...

By default, browsers have built-in protection mechanisms for preventing cross-domain script execution, mainly because of various security vulnerabilities.The jQuery postMessage plugin allows scripts hosted on different domains and loaded on the page via...

jQuery BBQ

jQuery BBQ 1.2.1

Built to work around the window.onhashchange event, this jQuery plugin provides methods for getting and setting a page's link using URL hashes.This enables one-page websites or AJAX-heavy websites to support history states, allowing users to deep-link an...

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By default, JavaScript can be used to load, query, or interact with data on the same domain.While there are some JS-based hacks for getting around this limitation, these usually don't work on all browsers and cause more problems then they solve."Simple...

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An URL hash is the text added to the end of a link using #.The jQuery hashchange event plugin allows the browser to track and remember the hashes used on a page, and record them in the browser's history.The plugin works via the window.onhashchange event...

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